Color tattoo removal has never been as effective as it is with Prisma

The removal of colored tattoos has never been as effective as with Prisma. The popularity of tattoos has grown exponentially in recent years, but with this trend, the demand for tattoo removal techniques has also increased. 

Among the different methods available, laser technology has proven to be the most effective option. In particular—Prisma, a powerful Nd:YAG laser with multiple wavelengths—has revolutionized the field of tattoo removal thanks to its ability to safely and effectively remove colored tattoos. 

The power of Prisma’s laser technologylies in its versatility. Prisma is an Nd:YAG laser system that combines Q-Switch picosecond and Long Pulse modes in a single device. With its Genesis triple pulse technology of up to 2400 mj and ultra-short pulses of 2000 picoseconds, Prisma offers unparalleled versatility in treating a wide range of dermoesthetic indications. 

However, what sets Prisma apart from other devices on the market is its ability to efficiently treat colored tattoos.

The wavelengths and their affinity with ink colors

Each ink color in a tattoo has a specific wavelength that is most effective for its removal. Prisma has been designed with this variability in mind and features four different wavelengths to address different ink colors. 

These wavelengths include 1064 nm, 650 nm, 585 nm, and 532 nm, each of them more compatible with a specific color, allowing healthcare professionals to use the Prisma laser to remove colored tattoos more precisely and effectively than ever before.

The effectiveness of Prisma in removing colored tattoos

The combination of Prisma’s multiple wavelengths, triple pulse technology, and ultra-short pulses allows the laser to effectively penetrate the skin and target the pigments of colored ink.

The energy delivered by the laser is selectively absorbed by the ink pigments, fragmenting them into smaller particles that the body can naturally eliminate. This results in the successful removal of colored tattoos without damaging the surrounding skin. 

If you’re a healthcare professional seeking the most advanced solution for colored tattoo removal and other dermoesthetic treatments, consider exploring Prisma. With its innovative technology and proven effectiveness, Prisma could be the tool that elevates your practice.

Colors prisma